The path to freedom from weight obsession and food cravings.
Radio Interview with Sheryl Canter (AUDIO)

Radio Interview with Sheryl Canter (AUDIO)


  1. OMG it is so cool to hear your voice! I’m surprised you don’t have a Big Apple accent to go with your address!

    I really liked your comments about how women are expected to be an unrealistic weight, and how this eclipses a view of ourselves as whole people. I am proud of myself for getting on the scale at the doctor’s office and being okay with the number
    — because it really is FINE and healthy, it’s just not what I thought it would be when I started NE! No big whoop!

    A lot of good Stage 3/4 content, too: the connection between emotional self-care and being able to make wise choices. I have to say that giving myself the same reasonable food guidelines I give my daughter, i.e. mostly healthy stuff and 1-2 small “treats” a day, has been a helpful discipline and has really gotten me to take better emotional care of myself.

    Great job, Sheryl! The interviewer sort of led you away from the “kernel” of NE with all the dietary questions, and you kept it focused.

    avatar Xanadu (Lisa)
  2. When I called the interviewer back, I thought it was to schedule the interview and I was calling from a cell phone. When she said she was going to go get recording equipment, I told her I was on a cell phone and offered to call back on a land line (VoIP really, but more land-like than cell). She said no need, it was fine, but I think the sound quality on my end isn’t so good. Next time I’ll only call radio stations from land lines (or VoIP equivalents)!

  3. Sheryl. I agree it was lovely to hear your voice, – Your compassion comes through your voice, in my humble opinion!! What you said was very clearly said, I agree the sound could have been better.

    avatar Sian
  4. i shall be th next person to say that it was verys special to hear your voice. And it was rather like what you are writing on the forum: cool, unruffled, informative precise manner of talking.
    I also noticed how the interviewer wanted you to give specific diet /food recommendations and how you always got to your subject.
    I hope a lot of women may have heard your voice and will be on the website soon looking for more guidance.
    Great job.

    avatar Marzena
  5. How cool! This is exciting to hear!

    I too really enjoyed listening to the interview. Funny how important it feels to hear another person’s voice, but it gives me a stronger sense of “knowing” you…and, as Marzena said, it was fun to hear you representing yourself in the same way in person as you do in the e-book and on the forum. — Liz

    avatar S0journer

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