Contact: Sheryl Canter

For Immediate Release

New Book Shows the Path to Freedom from Emotional Eating

New York, NY, May 6, 2009 -- Normal Eating®, a uniquely effective method of freeing people from cravings and emotional eating, is described in the newly released book Normal Eating® for Normal Weight.

Drawing on the Zen principle of mindfulness, 12-step wisdom on addiction, intuitive eating (the non-diet approach), cognitive psychology, and solid nutrition, the Normal Eating® method has attracted a devoted following. See the testimonials page, or go to the book's page on Amazon to read a long list of passionate, 5-star reviews.

Many weight loss experts advise eating according to body wisdom, but they don't tell people how to cope with compulsive urges. This is the missing piece that Normal Eating® addresses. Author Sheryl Canter analyzed the natural recovery process and broke it into stages, with each stage building on the last. The result is a gentle, step-by-step guide that greatly improves the odds of success.

Normal Eating® is not a quick fix. The process takes an average of 1-2 years. But it's a real fix. People lose weight naturally, not by dieting but by becoming true normal eaters. The program also has been a great help to many bulimics, as the testimonials show.

The online Normal Eating® Support Group provides a potent adjunct to the book. A modest one-time fee of $25 includes an archive of over 47,000 posts, nearly 4,000 of these from the book's author, and an online version of the book (full text).

Normal Eating® for Normal Weight is available on,, and other online bookstores, or directly from

Sheryl Canter earned an M.A. in Counseling from New York University in 1980, and led her first support group for emotional eaters at the N.Y.U. Counseling Center.

Normal Eating® for Normal Weight
The Path to Freedom from Weight Obsession and Food Cravings

Published by Permutations Software, Inc.
$14.95 US; Paperback; 200 pages; ISBN: 0-9630781-7-8

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